“DiverCity” NGO with “Eco DiverCity” youth educational initiative is implementing the research “The Involvement of LGBTQ+ People  in Solving Environmental Problems”. The purpose of this research is to reveal the notions, attitudes, and beliefs of LGBTQ+ people about environmental problems and to study the issues related to the involvement of LGBTQ+ people throughout solving these very problems.”

The problems of the research.

1. Study the level of awareness of the environmental problems of LGBTQ+ people.
2. To study the problems concerning the LGBTQ+ community’s involvement in environmental sphere. Whether SOGI can be a reason for their involvement in environmental movements and decision-making or not. And whether discrimination based on SOGI causes their involvement or not.
3. Identify the position of stakeholders (LGBTQ + people) on environmental issues – effects of pollution, nutritional features, solutions to environmental problems.
4. To map a possible plan for solving environmental problems in the Republic of Armenia based on proposals of the LGBTQ+ community.

This descriptive survey on the involvement of LGBTQ + people in environmental issues in Armenia is expected to lead to a dialogue, and serve a basis for initiating a more comprehensive research on this issue. Also, research findings will be presented as recommendations identified to the stakeholders.
