About Us

“DiverCity” NGO was established in 2019 as a beacon of hope and support for the LGBTQ+ community. Our organization is dedicated to enhancing social and cultural understanding while defending the rights of young LGBTQ+ individuals, women, and girls. Our ultimate goal is to foster a stronger LGBTQ+ community and create opportunities that empower them. We believe in the power of diversity and strive for a society where everyone, regardless of their sex, sexual orientation, or gender identity, can thrive and enjoy equal opportunities.

Current Situation

We have secured a safe space where we can come together, hold meetings, engage in constructive discussions, and warmly welcome LGBTQ+ individuals. We organize various events aimed at nurturing their skills and providing them with a sense of belonging. Our space is located in the heart of Yerevan, is in excellent condition with doors wide open to host personalities in need or danger, and is owned by an open-minded individual living abroad. Even though the rental cost is relatively affordable, we find it challenging to sustain the premises longer than the end of July 2024 due to financial constraints. To continue carrying forward our cherished mission, we need to ensure the longevity of our space and here we seek your help to do that.

Our Vision

As a youth-led LGBTQ+ community-based NGO, our mission is to serve the needs of LGBTQ+ and other marginalized communities. To realize our dream, we have created a safe LGBTQ+ youth center. It provides a platform for the LGBTQ+ and other marginalized communities to enhance their skills and abilities across various disciplines. We organize educational events focusing on sexuality, human rights, ecology and legal matters to empower these communities.

And to sustain our objectives we turn to you, dear unique representative of the mindful society. We need you to help us support the parents of LGBTQ and other marginalized individuals since they are in utmost need of some people who do care. They are facing social pressure and derogative behavior from society and get marginalized. We are trying to support them by providing a safe and respectful environment where they can freely share their concerns and get back up from our heartfelt family. 

We believe that you can make this happen with merely a technical minimum donation

Our dedicated team also will be grateful if it is provided with necessary equipment.

In our youth center, individuals have access to a free, fully-equipped workspace complete with complimentary Wi-Fi and a designated safe area. We also offer classes and workshops to raise awareness about the challenges faced by the LGBTQ+ community and equip them with knowledge about their rights in various domains, including the job market. Our comprehensive approach aims to combat homophobia and transphobia by providing individuals with the tools necessary to navigate a discriminatory environment. By informing them of their employment rights, we ensure fair treatment and adequate compensation for their contributions to the workplace. Moreover, this initiative fosters networking and collaboration, multiplying the impact of our organization.

The Key to Realizing Our Vision

To sustain this safe space, we are reaching out to you for financial assistance. If we gather enough funds to cover the rental costs for the upcoming six months, it will provide us with sufficient time to pursue grants and organize crowdfunding initiatives to sustain it in the long term. The total rental fee amounts to $1200 monthly, and any contribution, no matter how small, is immensely appreciated. Your generosity plays a vital role in creating a secure and inclusive place for LGBTQ+ individuals and other vulnerable groups.

Please consider donating to our cause.

#DiverCityNGO #ԲազմազանությունՀԿ #DCNGO #SafeSpace #CommunitySpace #LGBT #HumanRights #LGBTRights #DCYouth  #Gay #Lesbian #Bisexual #Trans #Queer #lgbtpeople
