“DiverCity” Social-Cultural Human Rights Defender NGO, observing the absence of Armenian media coverage of the gender issues faced by LGBTQ+ people, has implemented the “Raising LGBTQ+ Individuals’ Visibility Within Society” project. It was financially supported by DCNGO’s partner, the “COC Nederland” Human Rights Defender NGO.

Project Budget
The whole budget of the project was 7000 euros.

Project Implementation Dates
The project was implemented in 4 months, from January to April.

Project Purpose
The aim is to raise constructive awareness about LGBTQ+ individuals and promote the organization’s visibility at local and international levels.
To achieve the project goal, the organization has created eight informative articles that derive from the strategic objectives and urgent needs of the organization. As an integral part of the project, eight illustrations have also been designed, conveying the main message of the articles.
The topics are diverse, from sex education to gender-based discrimination towards LGBTQ+ people in various aspects of life, domestic violence, harassment during conscription, hate crime, incitement of hatred, an increase in the number of suicides among LGBTQ+ individuals and a negative attitude towards them.
The project has also provided an opportunity to continue maintaining the safe resource center, where LGBTQ+ people can self-express and self-realize freely.

Project Outcomes
• Eight Armenian and English informative materials and articles about the issues facing LGBTQ+ people.
• Twenty illustrations reflecting visual approaches to the issues facing LGBTQ+ people.
• English-Armenian explanatory dictionary that addresses LGBTQ+ community-related terms, thus making the language more sensitive and gender-neutral.
• Maintaining the safe youth space of the organization, which also enables us to work actively.


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